Executive Leadership

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) leads our organization to effectively and efficiently accomplish the goals and priorities set by the Board of Directors. Their leadership and guidance are the example set to foster an inclusive and equitable corporate culture.

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) guides the fiscal efficacy of the organization. They are the lead contact with outside capital sources such as our lenders and investors.

Our Executive Leadership team includes department heads (Development, Construction, Architecture, Portfolio Management, Human Resources, and Accounting) as well as our Market Presidents. Meticulously chosen for their roles, their experience and leadership skills are exemplary. Their purpose is to initiate strategies with integrity, implement innovative solutions, revitalize communities, and build strong neighborhoods through inclusive partnerships.

Brian Swanton
President & CEO

Michael Redman
Sr. Vice President CFO & COO

Ted Matkom
Wisconsin Market President

Kimball Crangle
Colorado Market President

Sally Schwenn
Arizona Market President

Ron Clewer
Illinois Market President

Joel Reed
Southeast Market President

William Towns, Ph.D.
National Market of Community Revitalization & Public Housing

Kevin Kellogg
Pacific Northwest Market President

Trent Claybaugh
Florida Market President

Laura Narduzzi
Vice President of Operations

Rafael Tudor
Vice President of Architecture

Rob Padley
Vice President of Construction

Sarah Wood
Vice President of Property Management

Laurie Halzel
Vice President of Human Resources

Kyle Culotta
Vice President of Asset Management

Rachel Snethen
Director of Development Operations