Special Needs

Gorman specializes in housing for a variety of special resident populations. Each special population requires careful attention to how we design our communities and resident amenities. Gorman has a long history of working with special populations including elderly, disabled, grandfamilies, Veterans, chronically homeless, adults with developmental disabilities, and the seriously mentally ill.

Gorman & Company’s development, architecture, construction, and property management teams collaborate with the goals of having a positive impact on our residents and strengthening the surrounding community by addressing critical housing needs.

Discover a community to call home

Permanent Supportive Housing

From the mid-1990s through the present, Gorman & Company has been working collaboratively with communities on significant revitalization efforts, many of which include permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless populations.

Gorman works with local supportive service agencies and our internal resident services coordinators to meet the needs of the resident including employment skills, health clinics, mental health services, financial literacy services, drug prevention and treatment classes, tutoring for school children, among others.

Escobedo I & II

(Chronically Homeless and separate for seriously mentally ill) Designed in partnership with Supportive Housing

Escobedo at Verde Vista was built on the site of a blighted, vacant, and boarded-up former public housing development just north of downtown Mesa. The project’s co-developer and service provider is Affordable Rental Movement (ARM) of Save the Family Foundation, a certified Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO). On-site services are provided to residents of the development and the surrounding neighborhood include a before-and-after school program, computer training, financial literacy, and job placement service.

The ultimate goal was to develop this project as a tax credit-financed rental community, with the intention of converting 100% of all of the units to tenant ownership at year 15 as a way to build financial capital of low and very low income households in this area. Amenities include a multi-purpose building for before-and-after school programs, computer lab and training center, fitness center, theatre, playground, tot lots, picnic areas, swimming pool and Wi-Fi.


(Has homeless & development disabilities)

The Stella (aka Laradon II) is a 132-unit affordable housing development which is adjacent to Laradon Homes (now known as The Elisabetta). The Stella is a new construction wood-framed, four-story elevator building with HardiePanel, stucco, and brick exteriors, a varied elevation and flat roof. The Stella integrates supportive social services through our partnership with Laradon Hall Society for Exceptional Children and Adults (Laradon). Laradon provides services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).


The Colburn Hotel is an existing Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Housing Community located in the heart of Denver. With a Land Use Restrictive Agreement (LURA) that was expired, Gorman acquired the property with a bridge loan in August 2018 to prevent it from converting to market rate. The re-syndication consists of a conversion of the SRO vouchers to Project Based Vouchers under HUD’s Mod Rehab Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), as well as the infusion of 4% Federal and State of Colorado Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) and Federal and State Historic Tax Credits, City of Denver funds and State of Colorado HOME funds.

The existing tenant community represents some of the most vulnerable households in the City of Denver, with more than 90% of current residents falling below the 30% AMI level. Gorman works with the Denver Housing Authority to establish a new resident admissions preference for homeless individuals. Deep affordability for all residents will be preserved through a 15-20-year Project Based Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract. The rehabilitated building consists of 91 LIHTC efficiency units and one manager’s unit.

The efficiencies include 23 units reserved at 30% AMI, 68 units at 60% AMI, and 88 of the efficiency units receive Project Based Vouchers. The building offers a centrally-located laundry facility, community room, fully-equipped community kitchen, and fitness room. The renovated units include the addition of air conditioning and efficiency kitchens with a two-burner electric stove, sink, and full sized refrigerator.


Gorman manages many units across our portfolio that are focused on housing previously homeless individuals and families or those that are at-risk of becoming houseless.

These populations require a community-wide coordinated approach and substantial resident services focused on reintegrating them into housing, the workforce, and into financial stability. We work with many non-profits and service providers in our markets to provide solutions for currently and vulnerable houseless individuals and families.


Gorman & Company in partnership with the Housing Authority of Maricopa County (HAMC) redeveloped and revitalized the historic Coffelt-Lamoreaux Apartment Homes. This 301-unit, 38-acre public housing development was originally built for returning Korean War Veterans and migrant farmworkers and now houses low-income individuals, families, seniors, and households with disabilities in the Phoenix area. The HAMC had originally planned to demolish and dispose of the Coffelt development due to its physical decay and lack of federal resources.

However, with 75% of the student body at the adjacent Hamilton Elementary School residing at Coffelt, the County quickly realized that closing the development would result in closing the school. Coffelt underwent a ‘gut-rehabilitation’.

The redeveloped Coffelt has new streets and sidewalks, new off-street parking bays, underground utilities, new plumbing and electrical, brand new kitchens, baths and appliances, and modernized floorplans. Coffelt was the first project in Arizona to ever be awarded a RAD commitment from the federal government, and has since been added to the National Register of Historic Places.

Madison Heights

Madison Heights gave Gorman & Company a unique opportunity to redevelop a severely dilapidated, post-World War II-era public housing project and turn it into a 77 unit viable neighborhood, rich with community partnerships and on-site services.

This project represents the first successful public housing transformation completed in Arizona under HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program and was one of the first in the U.S. to involve the transfer of assistance of three dilapidated public housing sites into one new location. The site of the newly redeveloped Madison Heights development is within a stone’s throw from several major schools, including Agua Fria High School, which shares a fence with our property.

Also nearby to our site are city parks, mixed-use employment hubs, grocery stores, churches, and community amenities including a Department of Economic Security (DES) family service center. The site is within ¼ mile of two high capacity bus lines as well. The previous public housing locations lacked any of these neighborhood amenities and had no access to public transportation.


Communities depend on a variety of supportive services and financial sources to house Veterans and their families. In collaboration with HUD for Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) vouchers, supportive services through the Department of Veterans Affairs, and other non-profit Veteran services is critical to providing Veterans with safe, reliable housing.

According to a March 2021 fact sheet from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Point-in-Time (PIT) Count estimates that on a single night in January 2020, 37,252 Veterans were experiencing homelessness in the United States. Gorman has worked with local non-profits on projects that feature housing and services for Veterans and their families.

Esperanza I & II

Esperanza En Escalante I & II is designed to serve chronically homeless Veterans in Tucson and Pima County. This project is located on a 17-acre campus and delivers 94 new units of permanent supportive housing in addition to 75 existing units of two-year transitional housing on site.

The units are 100% accessible to the physically disabled and 80% of the units will house Veterans aged 55 and over. There are large, open-space amenities such as a ramada with barbecue grills and picnic tables, as well as a large multi-purpose community room with space for case management and counseling, and medical services. Co-developer Esperanza En Escalante, a non-profit housing development and social service provider, assists residents in becoming self-sufficient, achieving and maintaining independent living, and embracing healthy and positive lifestyle choices.

Services include case management, transportation, wellness programs, job readiness groups, assistance in obtaining earned benefits, counseling, nutrition education, and other individual services as necessary. They also provide basic on-site health services with monthly wellness checks, assistance managing medications, making appointments, and assistance applying for VA and SSA disability benefits.

Valor on 8th

Gorman & Company, in partnership with the City of Tempe, and the Affordable Rental Movement (ARM) of Save the Family Foundation, developed Valor on Eighth which provides affordable housing as well as extensive supportive services targeting female Veterans and Veteran families with children.

What sets this Veteran housing development apart is that most others in the valley target single males while Valor on Eighth is built for females and families alike.

Our supportive service provider, Save the Family Foundation, provides on-site services focused on the needs of our residents, including before and after school care, computer training, job training and search assistance, credit and financial counseling, as well as a plethora of other services. Common area amenities include a park area on the ground floor with a playground, picnic tables, grills, and bike racks, along with a second floor hardscaped amenity deck overlooking the park area.

Valor on Washington

Our Valor on Washington project has a Veteran and their family preference and includes a non-profit service provider on the first floor, Dry Hooch.

Dry Hooch is a nonprofit organization formed by a combat Veteran with the mission to support Veterans returning home. Dryhootch strives to create a residential community where Veterans can live in a dry, safe, and comfortable environment.

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